
So I’ll Probably Get Fired Soon.

And honestly…whatever. If I wasn't down a car I probably would have walked out by now. I'm tired of their impossible standards that no one actually hits. (Not even the boss's wonder-worker, despite what he says.) I've only been staying this long because it is really close to home and the pay isn't horribly bad. I've started taking night classes to finish up my highschool and the teacher is really pushing for me to go to college, even talking about scholarships (I don't know about that). I definitely don't need the stress from work distracting me from classwork. So I know this is a longshot, but would anyone know of any remote jobs for entry level workers? Been told I'm decently fast on typing (not trained fast though), pretty good eye for details. Just looking for something to tide me over till class ends next spring.

And honestly…whatever. If I wasn't down a car I probably would have walked out by now. I'm tired of their impossible standards that no one actually hits. (Not even the boss's wonder-worker, despite what he says.)

I've only been staying this long because it is really close to home and the pay isn't horribly bad. I've started taking night classes to finish up my highschool and the teacher is really pushing for me to go to college, even talking about scholarships (I don't know about that). I definitely don't need the stress from work distracting me from classwork.

So I know this is a longshot, but would anyone know of any remote jobs for entry level workers? Been told I'm decently fast on typing (not trained fast though), pretty good eye for details. Just looking for something to tide me over till class ends next spring.

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