
So my dad is getting laid off

And it couldn’t be a worse time for it to happen. Backstory: the last few months, my brother has been in the hospital because he had the flu and suffered from severe complications, resulting in a stroke, endocarditis, and quite literally almost died. A ton of stuff and you can read about it in my post history. However, this is relevant because my parents both work in the medical field and my dad specifically has worked at a private Dr. office for almost 20 years. This man has not once asked for a raise, never taken a day off of work even when he was sick, and has been a loyal employee since he started working. He went to work after breaking 6 ribs and went to the ER after his shift. He had a major surgery a couple years ago and went septic and didn’t realize till also, after…

And it couldn’t be a worse time for it to happen.

Backstory: the last few months, my brother has been in the hospital because he had the flu and suffered from severe complications, resulting in a stroke, endocarditis, and quite literally almost died. A ton of stuff and you can read about it in my post history. However, this is relevant because my parents both work in the medical field and my dad specifically has worked at a private Dr. office for almost 20 years.

This man has not once asked for a raise, never taken a day off of work even when he was sick, and has been a loyal employee since he started working. He went to work after breaking 6 ribs and went to the ER after his shift. He had a major surgery a couple years ago and went septic and didn’t realize till also, after his shift. It’s ridiculous but no matter how much I tell him to never put his job before his health, he doesn’t listen.

Anyways, over time, they’ve slowly been cutting his hours and he was under the impression that it was due to a slower season. Come to find out, they’re cutting out his department, aka just him, because it wasn’t bringing in enough revenue. So my dad is now cut to 1 day a week so he can keep his insurance but he has to look for another job.

The real kicker?? Remember how I mentioned my brother is in the hospital? Almost dying? Yeah so my dads Dr. was also one of my brothers attending physicians at the hospital. He came in each day to look at my brother, knew his condition, expressed his condolences to my family and still decided to lay my dad off in the middle of it all.

Anyways I write this as a lesson to all: NEVER ever let your job come before you or your family’s health, or your family in general. They will still find a way to screw you over after being the best and most loyal employee ever and they’ll do it during the worst time of your life. That’s all.

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