
So sick of “recruiters” who don’t even read resumes or if they do they do not comprehend them!

My response these days is very direct, but still nice and professional. Although inside I am screaming. Why does this keep happening? Why do these people think I am an appropriate candidate? It is either this or recruiters asking me to fill positions that require an MD I do not have. Job searching has become a joke, capitalism is basically a parody of itself. Kind of funny: Hello, I wish you luck in your search. I have nearly 11 years industry experience and a MSci degree. Lab Technician is entry level. I have zero interest in going backwards in my career. I hope you find many other interested and more appropriate candidates. I do have a quick question for you; Did you read my resume?

My response these days is very direct, but still nice and professional. Although inside I am screaming. Why does this keep happening? Why do these people think I am an appropriate candidate? It is either this or recruiters asking me to fill positions that require an MD I do not have. Job searching has become a joke, capitalism is basically a parody of itself. Kind of funny:


I wish you luck in your search. I have nearly 11 years industry experience and a MSci degree. Lab Technician is entry level. I have zero interest in going backwards in my career. I hope you find many other interested and more appropriate candidates. I do have a quick question for you; Did you read my resume?

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