
“so what else can you do for us?”

Had a job interview at a bookstore, longest interview of my life tbh. Guy asks me plenty of questions, very detailed questions, and ends on this beauty: “So what else can you do for us?” I wasn't sure I understood so I asked him to clarify, he said: “what special skills do you have? Could be eletrician, baking, plumbing, anything that can be of service to us” I told him I really didn't know what answer he expected out of me, said “I can lift boxes” and noped out of there as fast as I could. Most obvious red flag I've ever seen. I've had employers try to get me to do out of contract activities but never has anyone had the audacity to outright say it in the interview. Anybody have similar stories happen to them? Or am I alone in this crazy world

Had a job interview at a bookstore, longest interview of my life tbh. Guy asks me plenty of questions, very detailed questions, and ends on this beauty: “So what else can you do for us?”

I wasn't sure I understood so I asked him to clarify, he said: “what special skills do you have? Could be eletrician, baking, plumbing, anything that can be of service to us”

I told him I really didn't know what answer he expected out of me, said “I can lift boxes” and noped out of there as fast as I could. Most obvious red flag I've ever seen. I've had employers try to get me to do out of contract activities but never has anyone had the audacity to outright say it in the interview.

Anybody have similar stories happen to them? Or am I alone in this crazy world

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