
So when are we scheduling a full stop on work?

I don't see any real progress being made until as many of us as possible just walk out of work all at once. I know the reasons why not (food, medical, housing, etc.) but it's just discouraging that the biggest impact we can make requires us to give up our basic life necessities. What's the next biggest step we can take? Revolution needs to happen yesterday. Just looking for some inspiration and even a glimmer of hope that the working class has any say in their future.

I don't see any real progress being made until as many of us as possible just walk out of work all at once. I know the reasons why not (food, medical, housing, etc.) but it's just discouraging that the biggest impact we can make requires us to give up our basic life necessities. What's the next biggest step we can take? Revolution needs to happen yesterday. Just looking for some inspiration and even a glimmer of hope that the working class has any say in their future.

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