
So why hire me in the first place?

So I was hired as a vet assistant in July for a small clinic(on mobile). They immediately put me on reception. I figured ok whatever, because the receptionist was going on vacation for a few days no big deal. Everything goes great during those first two weeks and knowing that I was hired for their other office, that I would be going to the next week. I was not introduced to anyone from that office (red flag 1), my first time meeting the doctor was on his day off he came in I did the “hi how are you doing? What can i…” that's as far as I got before he cuts me off just saying “I'm the doctor” pushing past me. (Red flag 2). Well I have ADHD and dyslexia and make it very clear to everyone that there are certain ways I can't do things. Everyone agreed to…

So I was hired as a vet assistant in July for a small clinic(on mobile). They immediately put me on reception. I figured ok whatever, because the receptionist was going on vacation for a few days no big deal. Everything goes great during those first two weeks and knowing that I was hired for their other office, that I would be going to the next week. I was not introduced to anyone from that office (red flag 1), my first time meeting the doctor was on his day off he came in I did the “hi how are you doing? What can i…” that's as far as I got before he cuts me off just saying “I'm the doctor” pushing past me. (Red flag 2). Well I have ADHD and dyslexia and make it very clear to everyone that there are certain ways I can't do things. Everyone agreed to help me, that didn't happen (not a big surprise anymore). Well they also stuck me on reception, ok still not what I was hired for but ok. I had one computer that I could only use to do anything on, and it was NOT happy all week. Like it would restart on it's own, freeze in the middle of things over and over, be insanely slow. The scanner didn't want to acknowledge the computer sometimes, and the phone system would hang up on people. They assumed that I was just not wanting to be a the front desk, not that I'm not an IT person. On Wednesday at least I couldn't get into trouble for one thing that happened, for some reason we couldn't call out and then when we could it kept trying to send us to line 3 (we only had 2 lines). The morning I was “let go” they re set the server. I didn't have a single problem with my computer that day.
Looking back during my 2 weeks training they re set the server every day to every other day, they never did it once until that last Friday when I was at my main office. I couldn't have done it because I didn't know where it was, nor did I know that it would have helped me. I also got in trouble for not being at the front desk when the office manager from the other office came in that day because my supervisor told me to empty the mop bucket (last time I checked bad idea to do that in the lobby). When I was let go they told me I was “not nice” first off I told them in my interview that I do better with animals than people, and second I spent a week literally begging for help with my computer from anyone and getting absolute radio silence that would make anyone a little prickly but when you are now being treated as though you are a inept idiot by everyone except the office cat, one of the regulars and the lady at Burger King. A car can on run on fumes for so long, it was a true no win situation for me.

Got a job as vet assistant, put on reception instead. Trained at a different office, not introduced to anyone including doctors at main office. Doctor at main office didn't like me. Computer was messed up and was the only one I could work from. Would restart randomly, freeze or just be ridiculously slow, phone system would hang up on people. It was known by everyone but me that a re set of the server would correct all of the computer issues that were occurring. This was not done until the morning I was “let go”.

Also I'm pretty sure that the doctor may have killed one of his patients, through me. He wrote down for me to tell the owner to give the dog 5mg of an allergy medication which I thought was a bit excessive once I looked up the dog, a toy breed. I asked him again if it was correct if he really wanted to give that much to such a small dog, and he said “that's what I wrote isn't it?!” So yeah, I had to tell the owner exactly what he wrote even though it was clearly not right, and the owner even asked if I was sure. I told her personally I would not give my dog that much if my dog was less than 35lbs. As soon as I hung up with the owner I heard the doctor call her back and tell her not to listen my opinion because I didn't know what I was talking about.

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