
So, yeah…

First time post here. This is the most interesting sub I have found and want to contribute some of my vibe. Without getting into too many revealing details. I work for a corporate company and basically just travel around to people houses and fix their shit for them. It’s been 3 years so far and was really great at first as the pandemic was going on with minimal oversight on us. Skip to last year and the company started to claw back hours from employees and basically steal money from checks. No breaks, no benefits, no sick days, no holidays. They raised prices on clients to the point where almost no work was coming in. I had finally had enough when they brought on new people at a higher wage than what I was making. So I fucking quit without notice and told them how fucked they were and they…

First time post here. This is the most interesting sub I have found and want to contribute some of my vibe. Without getting into too many revealing details. I work for a corporate company and basically just travel around to people houses and fix their shit for them. It’s been 3 years so far and was really great at first as the pandemic was going on with minimal oversight on us.

Skip to last year and the company started to claw back hours from employees and basically steal money from checks. No breaks, no benefits, no sick days, no holidays. They raised prices on clients to the point where almost no work was coming in. I had finally had enough when they brought on new people at a higher wage than what I was making.

So I fucking quit without notice and told them how fucked they were and they gave me a raise and my job back which is hilarious. So lately I’ve just been using the company by pocketing as much money on the side as humanly possible and stealing mad tools, basically getting high as fuck on the clock and being late to everything, masterclass procrastination level!

So I’ve been seeing how much I can actually get away with and doing the least amount of work possible while still getting paid. I’ve been Packing my schedule so it looks full and caring fuck all. It feels really good to get paid for nothing basically as long as they have some revenue coming in from my route.

I know that I plan on quitting again cause I just don’t give a shit about this company cause they treat us like fucking garbage and I’m the one with all the skills. They just rake it in on all of us so this is my way to get some of it back. Now I have an ultimate set of tools and a set of balls like no other.

Fuck you corporate scum!

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