
‘So you let work down for two hours today?’

I have a long list of chronic illnesses, both mental and physical (ASD, IBS, fibromyalgia, recurring migraines and insomnia are the top 5). Today is a really hot day in the UK, which was affecting me from the very start. I had a lot of clients to call, which always sets my anxiety on edge as while I know they won't be angry, I have to ask a lot of open ended questions, which prompts a lot of blather in response, and as I'm not a stenographer I have to concentrate really hard on what I'm typing AND what I'm listening to. While all this is happening, our windows are open so our blinds are rattling all. The. Time. Most of our staff are getting new IT equipment, so people are moving and moving equipment about around me and having conversations all the time, including loud personal conversations across me…

I have a long list of chronic illnesses, both mental and physical (ASD, IBS, fibromyalgia, recurring migraines and insomnia are the top 5).

Today is a really hot day in the UK, which was affecting me from the very start. I had a lot of clients to call, which always sets my anxiety on edge as while I know they won't be angry, I have to ask a lot of open ended questions, which prompts a lot of blather in response, and as I'm not a stenographer I have to concentrate really hard on what I'm typing AND what I'm listening to. While all this is happening, our windows are open so our blinds are rattling all. The. Time. Most of our staff are getting new IT equipment, so people are moving and moving equipment about around me and having conversations all the time, including loud personal conversations across me while I was on the phone. Today I tried loop earplugs for the first time, and while they were great at first, they didn't stop people from asking for my help with their new IT equipment. I then discovered that walking around with only one noise cancelling earplug in is a really great way to trigger a labyrinthitis (number 6, fwiw) attack.

The net result is that 4.5 hours into a 6.5 hour shift, I was hit by a massive case of sensory overload and barely avoided a severe migraine. I explained this to my boss and was told I could go home to rest up. I arrive home, explain the situation to my mum, and her response?

The quote in the title.

She explained that she was concerned about me keeping my job, but I haven't had any form of warning- even for attendance- in over six years. Is it such a bad thing to put your health first?

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