
Solely relying on your bi or multilingual employees to communicate with people who dont speak the native language is terrible.

I wanna get this up front. Speaking multiple languages is important. It does enrich your life and you can have a deeper perspective. But using that as a “perk” to add to your resume is bullshit. Some people never had the funds or at bare minimum time to learn. U.S. schools often only offer 1 or 2 other languages. It's frankly taking advantage of employees who have that knowledge. Especially if it was in circumstances like needing immigrate from a war-torn nation. Employers should just have a translator, or have a means of a translator apparatus. Or! An even more radical idea, reimburse for language studies. Can't tell you how many times I felt like a piece of shit because I couldn't communicate in French or Spanish and could get no help from my employer. Relying on Google translate is also in my opinion isn't a great option either. Sometimes…

I wanna get this up front. Speaking multiple languages is important. It does enrich your life and you can have a deeper perspective. But using that as a “perk” to add to your resume is bullshit. Some people never had the funds or at bare minimum time to learn. U.S. schools often only offer 1 or 2 other languages. It's frankly taking advantage of employees who have that knowledge. Especially if it was in circumstances like needing immigrate from a war-torn nation.

Employers should just have a translator, or have a means of a translator apparatus. Or! An even more radical idea, reimburse for language studies.

Can't tell you how many times I felt like a piece of shit because I couldn't communicate in French or Spanish and could get no help from my employer. Relying on Google translate is also in my opinion isn't a great option either. Sometimes we had no one who could speak either language. Only English speakers.

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