
Some alternative jobs to consider?

During my life I've held several summer jobs but focused the majority of my time on studies and friends. After finishing my Bachelors degree in tourism management. I had a full time position in a logistics sector which was like 90% remote but very stressful (as the industry can be), especially because it was during the pandemic. I worked there for a year and a half, freelanced on the side but after leaving my full time job a major depressive episode started which I took control off only barely 6 months later at the start of this year. During these times I tried to find a good paying job and stumbled upon another logistics position, so I went there, but my social anxiety was so high that I was forced to leave during the probation period. That made it clear that logistics as a career are out of the question…

During my life I've held several summer jobs but focused the majority of my time on studies and friends. After finishing my Bachelors degree in tourism management. I had a full time position in a logistics sector which was like 90% remote but very stressful (as the industry can be), especially because it was during the pandemic. I worked there for a year and a half, freelanced on the side but after leaving my full time job a major depressive episode started which I took control off only barely 6 months later at the start of this year. During these times I tried to find a good paying job and stumbled upon another logistics position, so I went there, but my social anxiety was so high that I was forced to leave during the probation period. That made it clear that logistics as a career are out of the question so during August I've found a full time position in a manufacturing company. It's desk work but really responsible one and after 2 weeks I feel like I'm just not the right person for the job. It doesn't help that HR tricked me during my job interview, because I wouldn't apply if I knew the real truth. The company is in a desperate need of workers, so I feel they think the lies could seem justifiable for them at least. Slowly but surely the social anxiety is creeping in, I'm starting to feel a lot worse and to be honest I can't do anything during my off time after work. I feel too burned out and it's important for me to feel content in my life… Does it mean that I can't work any stressful office job? Should I work a relatively easy job for a while? I feel like garbage because I really want to work and use the skills I have but for some reason well paying jobs I can actually land are so stressful that I just cry from stress after work almost every single day. And I can feel my health is deteriorating. Does anyone feel relatable to this situation? Maybe someone managed to escape this cycle successfully and are working on something they enjoy? I even started MBA studies on a scholarship to get more knowledge and hopefully find a dream job in the future. I'm pretty good with academic stuff however holding a job and being a social butterfly for some reason is really hard.

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