
Some guidance

So….. I’ve worked at my job for almost 7 years. I’m a veteran and it was the first job I got when I got out. It’s retail…… shoes. I work in the shoe department. I used to like it but in the past 6 months it’s become unbearable. The store manager is a sarcastic petty prick, who’s no help in any situation what so ever. Customers are….. either they’re nice or they’re Karen’s. That I can kinda deal with. What I cannot deal with for much longer is the new scheduling system. We have this app that allows us to make our availability on the go. Either it’s permanent or it’s for that week. I put in my availability that I’m “not available” to work on Sundays and Mondays. This week I was scheduled to work Monday (today) and I’ve been telling managers for the past couple weeks “hey that…

So….. I’ve worked at my job for almost 7 years. I’m a veteran and it was the first job I got when I got out. It’s retail…… shoes. I work in the shoe department. I used to like it but in the past 6 months it’s become unbearable. The store manager is a sarcastic petty prick, who’s no help in any situation what so ever. Customers are….. either they’re nice or they’re Karen’s. That I can kinda deal with. What I cannot deal with for much longer is the new scheduling system. We have this app that allows us to make our availability on the go. Either it’s permanent or it’s for that week. I put in my availability that I’m “not available” to work on Sundays and Mondays. This week I was scheduled to work Monday (today) and I’ve been telling managers for the past couple weeks “hey that Monday shift I’m scheduled, that’s a mistake I can’t work Mondays” I even told this to the store manager 2 weeks ago. He told me that I have to “offer the shift to people in the app and if someone takes it then you’re good, if someone doesn’t then don’t worry about it” so I was reassured that I don’t have to worry. Yesterday the store manager shoots a message in the app explaining that “you are responsible for your own shift getting covered” so since nobody took my shift, I had to call off. When I called in, the manager I talked to (which is usually pretty cool and chill) has an attitude that I was calling off. I told him that I’m not even supposed to be on the schedule for Monday. He told me to take care with an attitude. Then an hour later, a friend of mine who was at work told me that he said something over the walkie about me calling off and that it’s not his responsibility. This really angered me because I see this as not really being my fault and I’d say I don’t really cause any problems. I’ve been there seven years almost, never been written up, been recognized numerous times for hard work and dedication, I’ve even been on the leadership team at one point. I’m very well respected but I hate working there at this point. I never look forward to going to work, when I’m there I feel anxious and stressed. Now this new scheduling thing just seems like everything is being placed on the employees. I honestly don’t know what to do. Thank you in advance.

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