
Some misconceptions of this movement

“We're all in this together” No we're not. Different jobs have different difficulty levels and pay different wages. There are classes of people who don't suffer at their job at all, and get paid very well (like programmers), they're not part of the antiwork movement. ​ Even if you get paid good enough money, if you're in a position where you get abused from the public many hours a day, many days a week, you're one of the poor. Poverty is less about money and more about the ability to keep one's own dignity and identity. There can be minimum wage workers who work in data entry and their lives are more laid back and relaxed than doctors. Keep that in mind.

  1. “We're all in this together”

No we're not.

Different jobs have different difficulty levels and pay different wages. There are classes of people who don't suffer at their job at all, and get paid very well (like programmers), they're not part of the antiwork movement.

  1. Even if you get paid good enough money, if you're in a position where you get abused from the public many hours a day, many days a week, you're one of the poor. Poverty is less about money and more about the ability to keep one's own dignity and identity. There can be minimum wage workers who work in data entry and their lives are more laid back and relaxed than doctors. Keep that in mind.

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