
Some techniques I use to achieve the elusive flow state and boost productivity

I stumbled upon this fascinating concept called the 'Flow State' during my journey to improve my focus and productivity. The name might sound fancy, but I bet you've experienced it. It's that amazing feeling when you're so into a task that you lose track of time. Since finding my way into the flow state, my productivity has soared, my creativity is on fire, and I've honestly never felt more satisfied with my work. Here are a few things I do to make sure I get into a flow state most of the time when working on tasks that need full focus: 1. Balancing difficulty: I learned to ensure my tasks aren't too easy (which bores me) or too hard (which frustrates me). It's about finding that “Goldilocks zone.” Managing my time: I've started using the Pomodoro technique – 25 minutes of focused work, then a 5-minute break. Decluttering my space…

I stumbled upon this fascinating concept called the 'Flow State' during my journey to improve my focus and productivity. The name might sound fancy, but I bet you've experienced it. It's that amazing feeling when you're so into a task that you lose track of time.
Since finding my way into the flow state, my productivity has soared, my creativity is on fire, and I've honestly never felt more satisfied with my work. Here are a few things I do to make sure I get into a flow state most of the time when working on tasks that need full focus:
1. Balancing difficulty: I learned to ensure my tasks aren't too easy (which bores me) or too hard (which frustrates me). It's about finding that “Goldilocks zone.”

  1. Managing my time: I've started using the Pomodoro technique – 25 minutes of focused work, then a 5-minute break.

  2. Decluttering my space and schedule: I use Sunsama to help me plan my days. It's a neat tool that integrates with the calendar. I keep my workspace neat and inspiring with my favorite books and flowers.

  3. Building a growth mindset: I try to approach challenges with the belief that I can improve. I read books that help me build this mindset and journal to really etch this in my mind.

  4. Taking care of myself: Regular exercise, min 10-min meditation every day and a balanced diet really do make a difference! I don't compromise on sleep at all (earplugs, mask, phone on DND).

  5. Connecting with others: I joined some forums and virtual co-working sessions. It's great to do focused work with others in the same state.
    Does anyone else here use the Flow State to their advantage? Any additional tips or insights?

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