
Somehow it’s all my fault that people are no-showing at our practice

I just really need to vent because I'm actually really hurt and angry. So I started a WFH job that is at a doctor's office in my city. I had no complaints up to this point. Sure the patients suck because I live in a VERY retired entitled city, but I could handle it because I work from home so I just make faces at them but smile sweetly when I answer. Easy to fake, whatever. Well I got a phone call from my manager AND the doctor who both cornered me about why a patient no showed on them. Uhm, I have no idea, I said. She's already a difficult patient as is (she lives in a nursing facility) so she probably just didn't want to show up? Apparently that wasn't good enough. “Well WHY did she no show?” “Doctor I don't know-” “Well WHY did you confirm her…

I just really need to vent because I'm actually really hurt and angry.

So I started a WFH job that is at a doctor's office in my city. I had no complaints up to this point. Sure the patients suck because I live in a VERY retired entitled city, but I could handle it because I work from home so I just make faces at them but smile sweetly when I answer. Easy to fake, whatever.

Well I got a phone call from my manager AND the doctor who both cornered me about why a patient no showed on them. Uhm, I have no idea, I said. She's already a difficult patient as is (she lives in a nursing facility) so she probably just didn't want to show up? Apparently that wasn't good enough.

“Well WHY did she no show?”
“Doctor I don't know-“
“Well WHY did you confirm her if she was just going to end up a no-show?”

I got confused. Why? Because she confirmed the day before she was going to come in, that's why?? I'm not a mind reader!

“Doctor, I'm sorry, I don't know why-“
“Don't confirm people if they're not going to show up.”

Now I'm just sitting here at a complete loss. Mind-reader wasn't a qualification for this job, so why am I suddenly being berated for patients not showing up. I'm just so infuriated. I don't want to leave this job because it's so hard to find jobs that are work from home, but I'm not sure if I can meet the qualifications that they're bestowing upon me. Amazing. And they wonder why no one wants to work for them.

Quick edit to address some questions:

  1. We do not have a no-show fee. We have no fees.

  2. The Dr. is physically not available until next year so me talking about being annoyed with patients is due to me getting dozens of phone calls a day from entitled old farts who don't believe anyone else lives in this city but them and are genuinely shocked when I state how long the waitlist is.

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