
Someone please help me understand my rights

I am a cashier and I get paid a dollar more an hour above minimum wage. I wait tables occasionally and most people tip, and I work the drive through where I get a lot of tips as well. My boss keeps all the tips and gives them out “now and then” (his words) and pools them into the whole staff and kitchen. I have no problem with the pooling, but according to an updated fact sheet, employers are generally required to give the tips out every pay period. I tactfully asked him for an explanation and he told me that because I’m a non tipped employee I can’t keep tips. But then the next sentence he said “our tips go to employees regardless if the schedule is to your liking” So like, wtf is going on and how do I better understand my rights as a non tipped employee?…

I am a cashier and I get paid a dollar more an hour above minimum wage. I wait tables occasionally and most people tip, and I work the drive through where I get a lot of tips as well.

My boss keeps all the tips and gives them out “now and then” (his words) and pools them into the whole staff and kitchen. I have no problem with the pooling, but according to an updated fact sheet, employers are generally required to give the tips out every pay period.

I tactfully asked him for an explanation and he told me that because I’m a non tipped employee I can’t keep tips. But then the next sentence he said “our tips go to employees regardless if the schedule is to your liking”

So like, wtf is going on and how do I better understand my rights as a non tipped employee? Most info I can find on the labor board is specifically for tipped employees so I’m not sure where to go to understand better

In response to my question he also said my training was going poorly and that he shocked I’m worried about tips. I’ve been there five days.

I’m in Missouri, for context.

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