
Something a Bit More Positive, For A Change

So a while back, I posted about how my old job took duties away from me, clocked me out without my permission, and finally denied my yearly raise, telling me I hadn't earned it, but refusing to tell me what, exactly, I was doing wrong. Just told me to “be honest with myself” and figure it out, and keep working at it, dangling a carrot on a stick in front of me. Basically, they made me feel like I was a piece of shit worker. Well, I finally had enough and walked out. I filed a labor dispute, and got my stolen wages back. I found a new job that paid a little less, but that I really love, and enjoyed coming in to do. A place where the people were happy to see me every day, too, and tell me often that I'm doing a great job. I found…

So a while back, I posted about how my old job took duties away from me, clocked me out without my permission, and finally denied my yearly raise, telling me I hadn't earned it, but refusing to tell me what, exactly, I was doing wrong. Just told me to “be honest with myself” and figure it out, and keep working at it, dangling a carrot on a stick in front of me.

Basically, they made me feel like I was a piece of shit worker.

Well, I finally had enough and walked out. I filed a labor dispute, and got my stolen wages back.

I found a new job that paid a little less, but that I really love, and enjoyed coming in to do. A place where the people were happy to see me every day, too, and tell me often that I'm doing a great job.

I found happiness.

And best of all, my new job called me into the office today, told me I was “killing it”, and gave me a $1 raise!! Effective immediately!! BEFORE I even hit my 90 days!!

I didn't even know what to say. When they called me into the office, they told me it was for something very positive. But I still couldn't help being a little nervous. I mean, all the experience I had so far of being called into the office, meant I was going to be told I was doing something wrong.

So when they told me what they did, I was a little mind blown. Imagine working for a place that actually likes you, and treats you with respect, and rewards you for working hard and doing a good job!!

It's sad that that's so rare.

But I'm so happy I found my current job. I love the people, I love what I do, and I love it here!!

And I'm now making only 25ยข less than I was at my old job. So taking the pay cut at the beginning was totally worth it.

It was totally worth it anyway, just for the peace of mind I got.

All I can say is, DON'T stay where you're not appreciated. It's NOT worth it. I put up with shit for WAY too long. I won't EVER do that again.

Oh, and if you possibly can, get a job for a place that's small and local. It makes a huge difference.

Oh, and fuck you, old job, for ever making me doubt myself!!

The problem was NEVER me. It was always them, all along.

Who's the piece of shit now, huh??

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