
Soon to be ex-boss recording our zoom transition calls to train my successor

Brief background: I am the “assistant controller” but thats just an excuse my boss has used to not pay me like a full controller, for the past 6 months. I found another job and put in my notice last Monday, and then my boss set up a series of “transition meetings” since I’m the only person on our Finance team who knows anything about how our Accounting system and processes work. Foolishly, I consented to to him recording them so he “could go back and review them later if needed.” I assumed he was going to outsource the entire accounting function after i left. He loves outsourcing and consultants. Then on Friday the company posted the Controller role. So now I’m pissed, since that is going to cost at least $120K when all I wanted was $100K for now. And also they will lose all of my knowledge in favor…

Brief background: I am the “assistant controller” but thats just an excuse my boss has used to not pay me like a full controller, for the past 6 months. I found another job and put in my notice last Monday, and then my boss set up a series of “transition meetings” since I’m the only person on our Finance team who knows anything about how our Accounting system and processes work. Foolishly, I consented to to him recording them so he “could go back and review them later if needed.”

I assumed he was going to outsource the entire accounting function after i left. He loves outsourcing and consultants. Then on Friday the company posted the Controller role. So now I’m pissed, since that is going to cost at least $120K when all I wanted was $100K for now. And also they will lose all of my knowledge in favor of someone of the street. Someone I now realize my boss is going to show these videos to, and he’s basically getting me to train my replacement.

Is there anyway to sabotage his recordings, so the audio is lost in the file? Or anything else that he won’t find until he tries to watch the video later? I know I could withdraw consent but also want to try and not burn the bridge completely. Any zoom tricks out there? Or any other words of boss bashing to make me feel better?

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