
Sooo are we just gonna let this keep happening?

I’m just as much caught in the grind, just trying to accept that this is the world we live in. But we all know it’s just getting worse, especially in the US where I’m at. Why are we doing this to ourselves? I know how easy it is to just let oneself remain distracted and just “do our best,” but I know I’m personally at the point where I’m fucking over working myself to do death and suffering so some fuckers pockets get lined with more money than they’ll ever need. To even further my feelings, I’m so fucking tired of watching everyone I’ve ever known get continuously let down by a system that doesn’t even need to be this way. My best friend I’m living with is chronically ill and recently disabled. They have no one they can turn to, and they weren’t truly disabled until the past few…

I’m just as much caught in the grind, just trying to accept that this is the world we live in. But we all know it’s just getting worse, especially in the US where I’m at. Why are we doing this to ourselves? I know how easy it is to just let oneself remain distracted and just “do our best,” but I know I’m personally at the point where I’m fucking over working myself to do death and suffering so some fuckers pockets get lined with more money than they’ll ever need. To even further my feelings, I’m so fucking tired of watching everyone I’ve ever known get continuously let down by a system that doesn’t even need to be this way. My best friend I’m living with is chronically ill and recently disabled. They have no one they can turn to, and they weren’t truly disabled until the past few months, so I’m covering all of the bills while they try as hard as they can to get a job, get a doctors appointment, get disability. Now I’m very positive they’re heavily considering suicide. And in June? I buried my fiancé, she took her own life. You know what would have remedied both of these situations? A fucking system that’s actually built for the people to be given basic human rights. Everything is just getting harder and harder, sure I enjoy small things, buying things is nice, but I ask myself, when was the last time I was actually happy? The answer is I can’t fucking remember, I’ve lived a relatively straight life, I’m drug and alcohol free, I try to spread love as much as I can. However I wasn’t born into a blessed family, as a result I’ve never been able to get far. I have a fucking government job now, and that’s not even enough. Why are we doing this to ourselves? Why aren’t we burning everything to the ground?

End of venting

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