
Sorry for not wanting to fall down stairs when I was ALREADY on crutches

A bit more of an anti-school post but I don't want to sound like some whiny crybaby. So, a bit of background info, I was on crutches about a few months ago because I had fallen down the stairs and sprained a part of my ankle, the doctor told me to take a certain type of medicine, stay on crutches, don't put pressure on it, etc. So, I needed some help going down the stairs, I asked a nearby teacher and she decided to help me. The stairs are very slippery because the stairs and most of the school are made out of this weird really slippery material, also it had just rained. She held my crutches and I limped down the stairs. A few steps down, my good foot (the one that works) slips on one of the steps and I stumble forwards a few steps. Out of surprise,…

A bit more of an anti-school post but I don't want to sound like some whiny crybaby. So, a bit of background info, I was on crutches about a few months ago because I had fallen down the stairs and sprained a part of my ankle, the doctor told me to take a certain type of medicine, stay on crutches, don't put pressure on it, etc. So, I needed some help going down the stairs, I asked a nearby teacher and she decided to help me. The stairs are very slippery because the stairs and most of the school are made out of this weird really slippery material, also it had just rained. She held my crutches and I limped down the stairs. A few steps down, my good foot (the one that works) slips on one of the steps and I stumble forwards a few steps. Out of surprise, I yell out “Oh Jesus Christ!” The teacher just looks over and glares at me “Watch your language.” I apologize I just told her how I was trying to not fall. She just continues to walk me down. After I get off the stairs I go over to my friends. I ask them about it and they say they'd rather me fall than “use his name in vain” again. Am I in the wrong?

(I understand that people who follow Christianity don't like it when you use the lord's name in vain but I'm not religious in any way and never will be. But they'd rather me fall down the stairs than that??)

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