
Spider cricket infestation at work??

Ok I'm being a little dramatic its not really an infestation I only saw 3, 2 around my workspace and 1 in the bathroom, but they were huge and I can't stop looking over my shoulder and feel itchy all over We've had a big issue with ants for months now and the exterminator that they hired did nothing to stop them from coming so what are my options if the same happens with these crickets? What if it turns into an infestation? Can't afford to quit or lose hours because I'm currently pregnant and I'm gonna need the money but ewww I just wanna go home!!

Ok I'm being a little dramatic its not really an infestation I only saw 3, 2 around my workspace and 1 in the bathroom, but they were huge and I can't stop looking over my shoulder and feel itchy all over

We've had a big issue with ants for months now and the exterminator that they hired did nothing to stop them from coming so what are my options if the same happens with these crickets? What if it turns into an infestation? Can't afford to quit or lose hours because I'm currently pregnant and I'm gonna need the money but ewww I just wanna go home!!

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