
staff meeting at “lunch time”

RANT: Office manager scheduled a staff meeting for today. She sent the meeting invite about a month ago, no additional info at the time. We've never had one of these while I've worked here, so it got me wondering. Yesterday, she reminded everyone that the meeting was coming up and she'd circulate an agenda in the morning. Welp, no agenda was circulated and come 12:00, I went up to the meeting. I asked her when she might start the talking and she said 12:10. (I wondered because I'm someone who prefers a late lunch, so I wasn't interested in grabbing any food from the setup and sitting around and eating until she started talking. If she was going to start at 12:30, then I was just going to go back to my desk for awhile.) At 12:10, she opens the meeting by saying this is the first staff meeting she's…


Office manager scheduled a staff meeting for today. She sent the meeting invite about a month ago, no additional info at the time. We've never had one of these while I've worked here, so it got me wondering. Yesterday, she reminded everyone that the meeting was coming up and she'd circulate an agenda in the morning.

Welp, no agenda was circulated and come 12:00, I went up to the meeting. I asked her when she might start the talking and she said 12:10. (I wondered because I'm someone who prefers a late lunch, so I wasn't interested in grabbing any food from the setup and sitting around and eating until she started talking. If she was going to start at 12:30, then I was just going to go back to my desk for awhile.)

At 12:10, she opens the meeting by saying this is the first staff meeting she's hosted here but she likes to do these on the monthly basis. They aren't mandatory… Then goes on to talk for like 15 minutes and then releases us to take 30 more minutes of our 1-hour lunch break.

Um… If it wasn't mandatory, WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT A MONTH AGO IN THE INVITE, OR YESTERDAY WHEN YOU SENT THE REMINDER. She freakin' scared us into showing up, and then pulled that sh_t. And that sh_t was supposed to be unpaid. You basically expected us to be there, so I'm counting that as work time. You can't get us all there and then say “you don't have to be here.” Um yeah, NO. F-ing managers.

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