
Staff Shortage –> Mass Layoffs – What’s really going on?

The predominant business messaging has gone from “Nobody wants to work anymore” to “We're announcing massive layoffs!” I'm tired of the games. It seems like there are strategies being used to break the spirits of workers and create desperation so that they can get asses back in the office chairs and keep wages low. I'm no conspiracy theorist and I don't believe that this big of a concerted effort would persist without a whistleblower coming forward or someone leaking info about it. So that leaves economic or market factors. Am I missing something? Are there some forces driving the reduction of workforce? The tech sector has lost nearly half a million jobs in the past two years. Why? Have we run out of tech work that needs to be done? /s I've got decades of experience and great feedback about my skills and expertise that positively differentiates me from the…

The predominant business messaging has gone from “Nobody wants to work anymore” to “We're announcing massive layoffs!”
I'm tired of the games.

It seems like there are strategies being used to break the spirits of workers and create desperation so that they can get asses back in the office chairs and keep wages low. I'm no conspiracy theorist and I don't believe that this big of a concerted effort would persist without a whistleblower coming forward or someone leaking info about it. So that leaves economic or market factors. Am I missing something? Are there some forces driving the reduction of workforce? The tech sector has lost nearly half a million jobs in the past two years. Why? Have we run out of tech work that needs to be done? /s
I've got decades of experience and great feedback about my skills and expertise that positively differentiates me from the rest of the candidate pool, yet all of the recruiters say they don't even have open positions to fill and when they do come up they are at a 50% pay cut either in-office or hybrid.

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