
Standards for professional dress don’t work in hot climates

Especially for men. The fact that anyone is still expected to wear long sleeves and pants in hot weather is utterly ridiculous I'm someone who sweats a lot more than most people. It's been a hot summer and I've been wearing shorts to work most days, it's important to my comfort and I also feel like I'm saving the people around me having to deal with how bad I'd smell if I was sweating as much as long pants would make me sweat. I work in an office so it's not at all a safety issue. There's also several other people who sit in the same area as me who wear shorts most of the summer. We've been having the hottest week so far this summer out here in the northwest, and today on the fourth work day in a row it's been 90+ degrees my boss decided to pull…

Especially for men. The fact that anyone is still expected to wear long sleeves and pants in hot weather is utterly ridiculous

I'm someone who sweats a lot more than most people. It's been a hot summer and I've been wearing shorts to work most days, it's important to my comfort and I also feel like I'm saving the people around me having to deal with how bad I'd smell if I was sweating as much as long pants would make me sweat. I work in an office so it's not at all a safety issue. There's also several other people who sit in the same area as me who wear shorts most of the summer. We've been having the hottest week so far this summer out here in the northwest, and today on the fourth work day in a row it's been 90+ degrees my boss decided to pull me aside and ask me if I could refrain from wearing shorts to work. I didn't exactly argue with him on this, but I just questioned why it was an issue now and why other people did it all the time without an issue. Eventually he backed down and just said it was advice on being professional rather than a hard rule since we don't have a dress code, but I just can't figure out why out of all the days I've worn shorts which have been most of them this summer this is when he decided to say something. This is just such a ridiculous standard. I fully recognize that I'm a lot more fortunate than a lot of people. I've worked a job where it was regularly 100+ degrees and I had to wear long pants for safety reasons. I know how miserable that is and I really sympathize with people working jobs like that now, but I just cannot understand why it's been collectively decided that people who work in jobs where there is no safety reason not to wear shorts can't wear them because they need to look professional. It's hot out and we should be allowed to be comfortable at work

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