

So I had an interview at company X, the interview went great. I told them I had over 20 years of experience for the position they were hiring for. How I attained multiple awards throughout my career and how most people love to work with me and know that I’m a very hard worker. I asked if they can start me at $19 per hour. The interviewer thanked said they could only start me at $12 per hour. My thoughts were “They just lost this candidate, I’m going to troll them since they just insulted me. By starting me at the minimum wage of my state.” I proceeded to do all the onboarding forms except for the tax information. I also did the background check. I emailed it back to them, the manager called me saying that me background is clean and asking if I could start the next day.…

So I had an interview at company X, the interview went great. I told them I had over 20 years of experience for the position they were hiring for. How I attained multiple awards throughout my career and how most people love to work with me and know that I’m a very hard worker. I asked if they can start me at $19 per hour. The interviewer thanked said they could only start me at $12 per hour. My thoughts were “They just lost this candidate, I’m going to troll them since they just insulted me. By starting me at the minimum wage of my state.”

I proceeded to do all the onboarding forms except for the tax information. I also did the background check. I emailed it back to them, the manager called me saying that me background is clean and asking if I could start the next day. I said I will be there ready to be trained. So the next day came I blocked the companies number and never showed up.

Most people I know in my field make $19 per hour by the time they are at the 20 year mark. Sad to say company X doesn’t consider experience for a candidates starting wage.

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