
Started a new job, caused me excruciating pain and I need a doctor to clear me. Employer is being pushy about my medical issue. How do I politely quit?

I started a new job paying not a whole lot but it's the only job I could get in my area. It's in a bakery. First day I got extremely awful back pain and they had to send me home, then I went on a trip for 10 days (one that was planned well in advance for family). I'm back and my doctor referred me for an X-ray of my upper spine and my manager is saying that it's been two weeks and asking if I'm even still injured (yes, the pain comes back when I try to do anything similar to what I was doing) and asked me if an X-ray is so urgent, I should be going in next day and not in a few weeks (I have to schedule the X-ray and I didn't even get a date for a few weeks). I don't think the job…

I started a new job paying not a whole lot but it's the only job I could get in my area. It's in a bakery. First day I got extremely awful back pain and they had to send me home, then I went on a trip for 10 days (one that was planned well in advance for family). I'm back and my doctor referred me for an X-ray of my upper spine and my manager is saying that it's been two weeks and asking if I'm even still injured (yes, the pain comes back when I try to do anything similar to what I was doing) and asked me if an X-ray is so urgent, I should be going in next day and not in a few weeks (I have to schedule the X-ray and I didn't even get a date for a few weeks). I don't think the job is for me. It hurts me physically and I feel weird being prodded over a medical issue this way. I need help to get the courage to send a quitting text in the most polite way I can (because I'm an anxious wuss). Help?

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