
Started a new part-time job :( how can I set myself up for a stress free environment from the beginning?

Hello all, unfortunately have to work but at least it’s part time. I’m wondering if anyone has advice on what I can do right in the beginning of a new job so that I can set myself up for an easy, professional work environment? It’s a receptionist job at a recreation centre. The manager is a very nice and supportive young woman. I’ve already been a gym member there for a while and have showed my real personality to two people there which I’m fine with – but I’ve decided to try and keep as much personal information from my colleagues so that I can keep it as seperate as possible. Everyone there’s seems pretty friendly with each other but I don’t want another “we’re a little family” situation. I just want to go there and go home. I’m not there to make friends let’s be honest. This way if…

Hello all, unfortunately have to work but at least it’s part time.
I’m wondering if anyone has advice on what I can do right in the beginning of a new job so that I can set myself up for an easy, professional work environment?

It’s a receptionist job at a recreation centre. The manager is a very nice and supportive young woman. I’ve already been a gym member there for a while and have showed my real personality to two people there which I’m fine with – but I’ve decided to try and keep as much personal information from my colleagues so that I can keep it as seperate as possible. Everyone there’s seems pretty friendly with each other but I don’t want another “we’re a little family” situation. I just want to go there and go home. I’m not there to make friends let’s be honest.
This way if I’m asked to cover & I just don’t want to, or I don’t want to attend a social work event, I’m not expected to give reasoning and not asked too many questions.
What else can I do at the very beginning to set these kind of expectations to my coworkers and keep it as impersonal as possible – while still maintaining good relationships with colleagues?
(I struggle a bit with this – as I’m kind of an open person but just want to be more introspective)

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