
Still sick with COVID? Come right back to work!

Throwaway account as the people I work with may frequent this sub and don't need to know my primary reddit account. I work for a midsize car part manufacturer in Southern California that just decided to have everyone come back to the office 5 days a week starting March. To “celebrate” this, I guess, the company put on a team building offsite event 2 weeks ago which turned into an awesome super-spreader event with at least half a dozen people catching covid from it. Following this last Friday HR sent an email to the whole company declaring that, hurray! based on new guidelines everyone who caught COVID can come back to the office after 5 days even if they are still positive. They started the email that announced this saying it was “to help ensure the health and safety of our employees is prioritized”. One of our company “values” is…

Throwaway account as the people I work with may frequent this sub and don't need to know my primary reddit account.

I work for a midsize car part manufacturer in Southern California that just decided to have everyone come back to the office 5 days a week starting March. To “celebrate” this, I guess, the company put on a team building offsite event 2 weeks ago which turned into an awesome super-spreader event with at least half a dozen people catching covid from it. Following this last Friday HR sent an email to the whole company declaring that, hurray! based on new guidelines everyone who caught COVID can come back to the office after 5 days even if they are still positive. They started the email that announced this saying it was “to help ensure the health and safety of our employees is prioritized”. One of our company “values” is “integrity”. How the hell does bringing Covid positive people into the office, even wearing a mask, prioritize anyone's health and safety!!? Fuck these people.

Then last night one of the people on my team, who is still symptomatic, was asked to come back to the office by HR. Now I'm supposed to be the team lead and keep everyone's morale up when in actuality I want to tell the people who work with me to update their resumes asap and to list me as a reference if it will help them get a job at a company that doesn't blatantly lie and endanger its employees faster.

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