
Stop dreaming about eating the rich while you don’t even eat the middle managers.

Seriously, middle managers are the tools rich people use to emulate their presence in the workplace, they are as evil (or even more) as the rich who put them in those positions and should not be considered part of working class. They are well paid to make your lives as miserable as possible and they have great pleasure doing this, there's no exception, especially those who talk about themselves as exceptions just because they think about themselves as leaders (not bosses) just because they read some motivational bullshit. No worker should have middle managers as friends, middle managers do not deserve respect or empathy, workers should be sure to show they despise middle managers when possible. Middle managers are the scumiest of all scum on earth, 100% of them are sociopaths and the rich put them on these jobs because of this. Few days ago i heard a middle managers…

Seriously, middle managers are the tools rich people use to emulate their presence in the workplace, they are as evil (or even more) as the rich who put them in those positions and should not be considered part of working class.

They are well paid to make your lives as miserable as possible and they have great pleasure doing this, there's no exception, especially those who talk about themselves as exceptions just because they think about themselves as leaders (not bosses) just because they read some motivational bullshit.

No worker should have middle managers as friends, middle managers do not deserve respect or empathy, workers should be sure to show they despise middle managers when possible.

Middle managers are the scumiest of all scum on earth, 100% of them are sociopaths and the rich put them on these jobs because of this.

Few days ago i heard a middle managers meeting through the door, they were laughing and making jokes about a employer who died because he could not pay his medical and just stopped the treatment. That employer had a heart disease whose symptoms get worse with anxiety, they were happily disputing who contributed for his death the most and laughing, even making pedo jokes about his daughter. Beyond disgusting.

No middle manager is different, some of them are just more discrete.

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