
Stop projecting that all companies are evil and give credit to the ones that care.

Not all companies are trying to keep you down and we should acknowledge that there are some good places to work. I see too much negativity here that I'm starting to think it becomes a perceived mindset going into a place of work with planning to fail from the very start. My company trains 18-22 year olds how to be welders, pay a fair rate while they train ($19/hr) and then bump in pay ($23/hr) after completing their schooling certification (nothing of this they pay for) give 100% medical coverage at 0 cost to the employee. At then end of their first year they get bumped again ($24/hr). They can get paid more outside of the annual CoL pay increase based on skill level and more certifications but that's up to them. They get the same standard breaks as everyone else in the industry 15 mins break, 30 mins lunch,…

Not all companies are trying to keep you down and we should acknowledge that there are some good places to work. I see too much negativity here that I'm starting to think it becomes a perceived mindset going into a place of work with planning to fail from the very start.

My company trains 18-22 year olds how to be welders, pay a fair rate while they train ($19/hr) and then bump in pay ($23/hr) after completing their schooling certification (nothing of this they pay for) give 100% medical coverage at 0 cost to the employee. At then end of their first year they get bumped again ($24/hr). They can get paid more outside of the annual CoL pay increase based on skill level and more certifications but that's up to them. They get the same standard breaks as everyone else in the industry 15 mins break, 30 mins lunch, 15 mins break.

We end up with these young adults who don't want to weld all day long, complain about being a welder even after multiple times we warn them in the interview that it is a very labor intensive job, they call off multiple times past our “point system” (It doesn't really exist it just is supposed to get people to stay coming to work). Cost of living here is $41,000 per year so it's not like California or anything.

Then the rest of us are caught doing double work to make up the difference since the deadlines don't just go away. Yes I know that it's not “our” problem but then hours get reduced to prevent layoffs so now alot of people end up upset that we spent time and effort on training new guys instead of some people with experience.

I know this is the antiwork sub, but just wanted to share my experiences in putting in effort and training in new people that end up not wanting the job in the first place. You can't tell that at first until they finish training with a better than free welding training and certification school (which is typically pretty pricey).

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