
Store Manager states Overtime will be compensated by an “extended lunch” the following pay period.

To begin, I started this position less than a month ago. The number of red flags is outstanding. First thing, the job description states (its still up after my hiring) minimum starting wage of $21 as a manager. They started me at $17. When I mentiones this, I was told that “I misread” once I sent a screenshot of my Onboarding paperwork and the posted job description, the tune slightly changed. Nonetheless, this still has yet to have been addressed. Today, 10/06/2023, the General Manager took it upon herself to clock me and my Delivery Specialist out at 7:30p. Mind you we did not complete the delivery or assembly until 8p. When I texted the GM for inquiry on how I should be reimbursed, I was told payroll had “already been submitted” then I was called by the SM and told on Monday, once she's back, we will be provided…

To begin, I started this position less than a month ago. The number of red flags is outstanding. First thing, the job description states (its still up after my hiring) minimum starting wage of $21 as a manager. They started me at $17. When I mentiones this, I was told that “I misread” once I sent a screenshot of my Onboarding paperwork and the posted job description, the tune slightly changed. Nonetheless, this still has yet to have been addressed.

Today, 10/06/2023, the General Manager took it upon herself to clock me and my Delivery Specialist out at 7:30p. Mind you we did not complete the delivery or assembly until 8p. When I texted the GM for inquiry on how I should be reimbursed, I was told payroll had “already been submitted” then I was called by the SM and told on Monday, once she's back, we will be provided by an extended lunch of 1 1/2 hours, yet only be docked for 1 hour.

I could mouth off about plenty more. Somethings that happened long before me and things that have happened with me present. Nonetheless, this is unacceptable, unprofessional, and I'm already ready to leave.

** I did call and report this to Compliance so I'm sure within days I'll have a target on my back. And I don't give a shit.

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