
Store owners watching us like hawks…

I have a new job in a food service department in a grocery store. My store is run by a manager and then two store owners. One sits in the office with a huge wall of CCTV’s watching our every move. We technically aren’t allowed to speak to her but on my first day, I accidentally met her in the bathroom. She watched me closely as I washed my hands… I was finished but was nervous so rewashed them. It was awkward. She usually just sits on the office… watching… Her son also works in the department next to mine. We share the same space, and he watches our every move. I always see him glaring at me. He has never spoken to me but speaks to others, so I feel like he is closely judging me. I’m a hard worker but on my feet for many many hours a…

I have a new job in a food service department in a grocery store. My store is run by a manager and then two store owners.

One sits in the office with a huge wall of CCTV’s watching our every move. We technically aren’t allowed to speak to her but on my first day, I accidentally met her in the bathroom. She watched me closely as I washed my hands… I was finished but was nervous so rewashed them. It was awkward.

She usually just sits on the office… watching…

Her son also works in the department next to mine. We share the same space, and he watches our every move. I always see him glaring at me. He has never spoken to me but speaks to others, so I feel like he is closely judging me.

I’m a hard worker but on my feet for many many hours a day with rarely a break. So sometimes I just need a single moment to just stand, maybe ask my coworker something. Others in my department stand around often, but we have since been told no food and drinks in our department as the owners are sick and tired of seeing people stand around and not working. Which is ridiculous cause everyone works and everything is up to date.

This job is so simple. It’s so boring as well… they also overstaff for some reason.

My old job was completely different. It was so busy, difficult and really busy, we also had less staff. I actually was so stressed out that I lost a bunch of weight and had a mental breakdown often…

I have been told not to mention it, or they’ll fire people. We also get paid a lot more… again, I don’t know why.

How can I cope constantly being under surveillance? I have bad anxiety and feel like they think I’m horrible even when I work extremely hard.

I’ve also just been told that the department is undergoing renovation very soon and will be cut in half! I seriously don’t know how we are supposed to be busy like this?

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