
Story Time – Was almost fired for missing my first day of work in a 3 year period

I used to work at a bakery that specialized in late night cookie delivery. Long story short, very toxic work environment. I had years of restaurant experience but made less than everyone with no experience because of nepotism and racism. Was constantly insulted behind my back and to my face by middle management and their friends who were my coworkers. One day I had a work meeting at my other job, the one that actually paid my bills and treated me with respect. Notified my boss (racist dickhead who didn’t do shit but play video games during his shifts) that I would probably be late because I didn’t know how long the meeting would last. He said that was fine. I didn’t end up showing up for my shift because I told my boss the meeting ran late. In actuality the meeting ended early and I had plenty of time…

I used to work at a bakery that specialized in late night cookie delivery. Long story short, very toxic work environment. I had years of restaurant experience but made less than everyone with no experience because of nepotism and racism. Was constantly insulted behind my back and to my face by middle management and their friends who were my coworkers.

One day I had a work meeting at my other job, the one that actually paid my bills and treated me with respect. Notified my boss (racist dickhead who didn’t do shit but play video games during his shifts) that I would probably be late because I didn’t know how long the meeting would last. He said that was fine. I didn’t end up showing up for my shift because I told my boss the meeting ran late.

In actuality the meeting ended early and I had plenty of time to go to work. So much time that I stopped by my friends house and paid him $20 that I owed him. He asked me if I wanted to go out with him and his friends to a rave and we could do MDMA. I figured why not, I hated my job because I couldn’t stand my employees and they relied on me to do 99% of the work so they could dick around and socialize (mind you they were not only paid more than me but worked in the back while I dealt with customers). So the entire time while I was hanging with my friends, I kept saying to my boss “the meeting is still going on, don’t know how long it will last”.

The rave ended up with us going to the bar district and I even walked past my job several times, and it lasted until 2 in the morning and ended back at my friends place with some beers and a couple of joints. I had a really great time and I did not regret anything about what I did.

Fast forward to the next day and my boss was pissed, he went on a rant about how I was an essential employee and my actions were unforgivable. So much so that he tried to have me terminated. I got a call from my boss’s supervisor and he wanted me to explain what happened, after telling him about my work meeting running late and I notified my boss about this a week in advance, he said that they couldn’t terminate me because not only did I notify my boss in a reasonable amount of time (a week before the meeting) but that it was my first offense and that I never missed a day of work in my entire time working there.

In the end, I got to hang out with my friends, meet some cool people, and piss off my boss that I hated.

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