

I work as a cashier at a grocery store. It's towards the end of my shift, my light is turned off and I'm finishing up with a customer. Next thing, this white guy with a basket comes up to my lane. I visibly shoo him away, point to my light and say “I'm closed.” The guy proceeds to get upset with the fact that I shooed him away, throws his basket onto the belt, and runs away to the service desk to demand to speak to manager. I finish with my current customer and go over to him attempting to apologize (shooing him away may not have been the best thing to do but customers are so fucking stupid, they cannot read the sign and realize that they are closed, it happens WAY TOO OFTEN). And he just goes “Don't bother, I'm going to talk to your manager”. I just…

I work as a cashier at a grocery store. It's towards the end of my shift, my light is turned off and I'm finishing up with a customer. Next thing, this white guy with a basket comes up to my lane. I visibly shoo him away, point to my light and say “I'm closed.” The guy proceeds to get upset with the fact that I shooed him away, throws his basket onto the belt, and runs away to the service desk to demand to speak to manager. I finish with my current customer and go over to him attempting to apologize (shooing him away may not have been the best thing to do but customers are so fucking stupid, they cannot read the sign and realize that they are closed, it happens WAY TOO OFTEN). And he just goes “Don't bother, I'm going to talk to your manager”. I just say whatever and leave, and I can hear him going on about he has been shopping here for 25 years yada yada yada, I don't have the patience for people like that. So yeah, fun times. No one from management has called me or anything, but man, I am just so done with retail. I fucking hate people and how customers view the employees.

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