
Streaming Company cuts my pay, outsources me, and essentially tells me to fuck off

Recently, I just got fired by being outsourced to some fuckhead from India. Context: I was hired by a recent streaming service in 2020 to help organize the streams and train new people. It was nice work, not too difficult and the pay was good. There were no problems for 2 years. However, in 2023, the company suddenly decided that my hourly rate was to be cut to 1200 a month due to quote “realities of the streaming market.” Normally I earned 2000-2200 a month. Out of nowhere, they suddenly cut my pay so I could only earn a maximum of 1200. Assholes. As if that wasn't bad enough, I was forced out of working on multiple streams in order for some Indian guy to work on them. (In retrospect, the writing was on the walls) I hated this, but I still had good pay and easy work, so I…

Recently, I just got fired by being outsourced to some fuckhead from India.


I was hired by a recent streaming service in 2020 to help organize the streams and train new people. It was nice work, not too difficult and the pay was good.

There were no problems for 2 years.

However, in 2023, the company suddenly decided that my hourly rate was to be cut to 1200 a month due to quote “realities of the streaming market.”

Normally I earned 2000-2200 a month.

Out of nowhere, they suddenly cut my pay so I could only earn a maximum of 1200. Assholes.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was forced out of working on multiple streams in order for some Indian guy to work on them. (In retrospect, the writing was on the walls)

I hated this, but I still had good pay and easy work, so I worked by quality controlling this new Indian guy's streams. Not as much money, but the work was realtively easy, plus this Indian guy was a total moron who made mistakes which ensured I got steady work.

However, I still got kind of pissed that I was one of the oldest people working at the company yet for some reason I was the one who lost streams to some shithead from India. Seriously, WTF.

And oh boy, it got worse. Recently, the boss straight up told me that I was going to be let go because another guy from India was going to replace me and the guy I was quality controlling. No, I have no idea why I, one of the older lasting members of the company, was being let go while people I trained just kept around.

Seriously, fuck you

As if that wasn't bad enough, the company, out of random bullshit, DECIDED TO CUT MY 1200 PAY TO 600 MY FINAL MONTH AS ONE FINAL FUCK YOU

To make it worse, the dude who was replacing me wasn't even supposed to work until the next month meaning the company literally decided to just half the LITTLE PAY I GOT out of nowhere just to fuck with me.

So the company cuts my pay to 1200 a month because “streaming is expensive” or some shit like that, and then cuts it to 600 in my last month because I'm being outsourced except the Indian guy won't work until the next month.

Assholes. I'm half inclined to name the company if people demand it

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