
Stress leave?

I've been working at a warehouse in Ontario for almost 3 years now and up until the beginning of this year, I have not had a problem. The company wanted us to sign a form agreeing to work for less than time and a half on statutory holidays. I didn't sign it and since then, I have been nitpicked. I've had a verbal warning and have been called into my managers office twice within a six week period. I'm on an SSRI and have had to increase my dose because of all of this. I hate getting up in the morning and going into work. I feel nauseous, betrayed, and paranoid. Is stress leave a possible option?

I've been working at a warehouse in Ontario for almost 3 years now and up until the beginning of this year, I have not had a problem. The company wanted us to sign a form agreeing to work for less than time and a half on statutory holidays. I didn't sign it and since then, I have been nitpicked. I've had a verbal warning and have been called into my managers office twice within a six week period. I'm on an SSRI and have had to increase my dose because of all of this. I hate getting up in the morning and going into work. I feel nauseous, betrayed, and paranoid. Is stress leave a possible option?

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