

I am working for 13.30 an hour I support a family of four. I am hungry, burnt out and sad/angry. I steal small snacks from work to keep the empty stomach feelings at bay or my hypo-glycemia from making me shake. I hate it. I dread every day waking up knowing I work the worst shift for shit pay. Some days I just wake up and cry. I have a 4 yr degree that I got back in 2010. I didn’t use it because we had so many children so I was a stay at home parent for 10 years. Now I work customer service and I think about un-aliving myself all the time. How t.f. do we cope? I try not to eat the little bit of food I can afford so my kids can eat. I cannot afford health insurance and even if I could the deductibles are…

I am working for 13.30 an hour I support a family of four. I am hungry, burnt out and sad/angry. I steal small snacks from work to keep the empty stomach feelings at bay or my hypo-glycemia from making me shake. I hate it. I dread every day waking up knowing I work the worst shift for shit pay. Some days I just wake up and cry. I have a 4 yr degree that I got back in 2010. I didn’t use it because we had so many children so I was a stay at home parent for 10 years. Now I work customer service and I think about un-aliving myself all the time. How t.f. do we cope? I try not to eat the little bit of food I can afford so my kids can eat. I cannot afford health insurance and even if I could the deductibles are so much that it is not worth purchasing. Am I alone or are there more me’s out there. Thanks for listening.

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