
Struggling to get a job because of an a hole ex employer.

For context I worked as a TA in a mainstream secondary school. I was given so many more responsibilities than I was being paid for. An example of this is I would have to do lesson plans for a special needs student who was unable to read or write, I was working 8:30-4:30 non stop with this student whose lessons I had to HAND WRITE non stop all day. I was missing most of my break because I had to escort the student to a particular room and collect lunch for them. I was exhausted by days end. I told my higher ups about my concerns, the student not being able to access the curriculum, how much stress I was under, the extra work I was having to put in, how mentally exhausted I was. You know what they said? “We’re thinking of putting you and the student in a…

For context I worked as a TA in a mainstream secondary school. I was given so many more responsibilities than I was being paid for. An example of this is I would have to do lesson plans for a special needs student who was unable to read or write, I was working 8:30-4:30 non stop with this student whose lessons I had to HAND WRITE non stop all day. I was missing most of my break because I had to escort the student to a particular room and collect lunch for them. I was exhausted by days end.

I told my higher ups about my concerns, the student not being able to access the curriculum, how much stress I was under, the extra work I was having to put in, how mentally exhausted I was. You know what they said? “We’re thinking of putting you and the student in a private room all day as they are not doing well in class” ????

Let me also say that I injured my wrist for a few weeks (my writing hand) and I spoke to my manger who told me “write with your left hand” (I am by no means ambidextrous). I had to bring a laptop from home in order to do the job, if I was seen not writing the child’s lesson down then I would be called into a meeting.

I had a group of students corner me in the hallway and threaten me, then they would try to chase me when they would find what classroom I was working in. Of course I reported this and I was met with a hand wave and a “they’re just kids I wouldn’t worry”.

That’s when I took it higher. I went to a member of the senior leadership team and had a meeting with her, I was unable to hold everything in. How I was mistreated by my line manager, how my concerns were blatantly ignored, how I had begged for support for months and was met with nothing. I had a real breakdown, I was sent home that day and had a doctor give me a month sick note because I was fed up and couldn’t bare the thought of setting foot in that school again.

I was given a meeting with the headteacher, HR and the SENCO of that school. I knew what was going to happen. Long story short, they twisted my words as best they could, painted me as a horrible person who hates the child I worked with (not true I just wanted more support) to which I told them I wasn’t willing to come back and I got a letter a few days later. They fired me.

Fast forward to now. I put this school on my Cv because otherwise I would’ve had a huge gap. Told the job I applied for not to contact them… They did! Apparently it was the worst reference they’ve received in a while.

So I’m unable to start work until the reference from Hell can be outshined by a positive one! Fingers crossed.

Edit: this is UK. I am 22 so was probably hired as someone they thought they could lump a load of work onto and I would just comply.

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