
Struggling with Work and Mental Health – Need Advice on Antiwork Therapy

Hey r/antiwork, I've been dealing with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for over two decades, and things have taken a turn for the worse since I joined a consultancy last November. It's been a rollercoaster ride, and I need to vent and seek advice from those who understand my antiwork sentiments. Firstly, the consultancy job I'm in pays well below average, and to make matters worse, the company announced no pay raises or promotions this year. It's demoralizing, to say the least, and the work itself is frustrating and tedious. I've been quiet quitting for the past 6 weeks because my efforts seem to go unnoticed and I’m honestly mentally and emotionally drained. The thought of working for someone else until I'm too old to continue depresses me deeply. I worked for my family's business (a small motel) for a few years, where I had autonomy, could introduce ideas, and had…

Hey r/antiwork,

I've been dealing with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for over two decades, and things have taken a turn for the worse since I joined a consultancy last November. It's been a rollercoaster ride, and I need to vent and seek advice from those who understand my antiwork sentiments.

Firstly, the consultancy job I'm in pays well below average, and to make matters worse, the company announced no pay raises or promotions this year. It's demoralizing, to say the least, and the work itself is frustrating and tedious. I've been quiet quitting for the past 6 weeks because my efforts seem to go unnoticed and I’m honestly mentally and emotionally drained.

The thought of working for someone else until I'm too old to continue depresses me deeply. I worked for my family's business (a small motel) for a few years, where I had autonomy, could introduce ideas, and had time for hobbies and self-care. But my family pushed me into the corporate world due to my “potential.”

I've been seeing a therapist for a year and a half, but lately, our differing views on work are straining our sessions. While she acknowledges that I've been emotionally worse since starting this job, she insists I can't quit and should “take care of my job” because it's the adult thing to do. It's been tough having no support, especially in an understaffed, underpaid, and stressful environment with rude clients.

Recently, I declined a non-mandatory work social event that would involve 7+ hours of travel due to illness. Soon after, my line manager scheduled a meeting with me. I'm not sure what's coming next – whether I'll be fired or pressured to attend. I turned to my therapist for support but left disappointed.

So, my question to you all is this: Have any of you worked with an antiwork therapist or someone who understands or respects your antiwork sentiments? How has it affected your progress and sessions? I'd appreciate any advice or shared experiences. Thanks for reading!

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