
Student Loan Forgiveness Cancelled.

Though I’m truly disappointed that the student loan forgiveness is not going to happen, I’m not mad either. For the people that did pay off their loans in the past, I’m sure it wouldn’t seem fair to them. I stupidly took out government student loans to pay for school and housing 20 years ago, have made every payment until the payments stopped for Covid, I’m on IDR but still deep in dept, as my balance is about $30,000. I think I took out around $50,000 initially, but with interest, and making the minimum payment, I still have only been able to take it down $20,000. Anyways, enough of the sob story,, I have gone over my budget, I even made a new budget, and there’s no way I can even afford $300 a month, and still be able to afford rent groceries health insurance, etc, and ideas on a solution…

Though I’m truly disappointed that the student loan forgiveness is not going to happen, I’m not mad either. For the people that did pay off their loans in the past, I’m sure it wouldn’t seem fair to them. I stupidly took out government student loans to pay for school and housing 20 years ago, have made every payment until the payments stopped for Covid, I’m on IDR but still deep in dept, as my balance is about $30,000. I think I took out around $50,000 initially, but with interest, and making the minimum payment, I still have only been able to take it down $20,000. Anyways, enough of the sob story,, I have gone over my budget, I even made a new budget, and there’s no way I can even afford $300 a month, and still be able to afford rent groceries health insurance, etc, and ideas on a solution to coming up with the payment amount? I work full-time, but I do have the weekends off, I work in the veterinary field as an assistant, so I make around $20 an hour, and that seems to pay all the bills currently, but if there was a way I could make an extra $300 a month, then I could fulfill my obligation to the loan in which I signed for. Any ideas would be great, I just don’t want to default on the loans, but if I have to make a choice between paying for rent or paying my student loans of course I’m going to the default, which I know will have grave consequences.

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