
Supervisor angry after needing a few days off to deal with my eviction.

My family and I recently just got through dealing with an eviction, that thankfully didn't result in us being homeless, regardless… I had told my supervisor of what was going on, and had to miss a couple days due to moving (couldn't make my injured fiancé do it) and afterward, because it was just me doing everything, I really hurt myself. I couldn't really walk for a few days afterward and on top of that I caught bronchitis. So even with doctors notes, ample notice and communication, in the last about 3 weeks I've missed about 6 days. So today, after everything has finally leveled out, and my life isn't a tornado anymore, he wanted to say to me how during the summer it was “unacceptable to miss any days for anything” that he “needed everyone to be as passionate and steadfast so we could turn our numbers around for…

My family and I recently just got through dealing with an eviction, that thankfully didn't result in us being homeless, regardless…

I had told my supervisor of what was going on, and had to miss a couple days due to moving (couldn't make my injured fiancé do it) and afterward, because it was just me doing everything, I really hurt myself. I couldn't really walk for a few days afterward and on top of that I caught bronchitis. So even with doctors notes, ample notice and communication, in the last about 3 weeks I've missed about 6 days.

So today, after everything has finally leveled out, and my life isn't a tornado anymore, he wanted to say to me how during the summer it was “unacceptable to miss any days for anything” that he “needed everyone to be as passionate and steadfast so we could turn our numbers around for July”
As if… I was using my eviction as an excuse to not come in for $12 an hour… right.

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