
Supervisor asked me to fix google so we turn up on searches, complained we didn’t already for new keywords/descriptors

It would be funny if not so sad. No one controls google lady. Especially if you choose new keywords and phrases to define programs that were never included on website. SEO is a dance and game, cannot be done in 24 hrs (unless you a G maybe)… marketing is no where on my job description and none of it fits my pay rate either. Leaving soon, 1 week, so happy!!!!

It would be funny if not so sad. No one controls google lady. Especially if you choose new keywords and phrases to define programs that were never included on website. SEO is a dance and game, cannot be done in 24 hrs (unless you a G maybe)… marketing is no where on my job description and none of it fits my pay rate either. Leaving soon, 1 week, so happy!!!!

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