
Supervisor just told me I should “always assume positive intent” and I told her that doesn’t align with my experiences

And she told me to “look again with a different lens.” Ummmmm…what? As soon as an idea or statement has “always” or “never” attached I can smell the BS from a mile away. But seriously why do bosses say insanity like this? So they can silence people who speak out about toxic workplace cultures or bullying coworkers? It just seems like a way to get people to accept bad behavior and excuse screwed up power dynamics. Every single person on the planet does not have positive intent at all times, that is a fantasy and it’s weird to me that if I don’t abandon all logic and join my boss in her fictional universe it will have actual negative ramifications at my job where I spend most of my time and upon which I rely to feed myself and not be homeless.

And she told me to “look again with a different lens.” Ummmmm…what? As soon as an idea or statement has “always” or “never” attached I can smell the BS from a mile away. But seriously why do bosses say insanity like this? So they can silence people who speak out about toxic workplace cultures or bullying coworkers? It just seems like a way to get people to accept bad behavior and excuse screwed up power dynamics. Every single person on the planet does not have positive intent at all times, that is a fantasy and it’s weird to me that if I don’t abandon all logic and join my boss in her fictional universe it will have actual negative ramifications at my job where I spend most of my time and upon which I rely to feed myself and not be homeless.

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