
Supervisor, who I must report to, has completely lost it.

My supervisor/ Executive Director has basically gone unhinged since late last month—which was around the time bargaining happened with our union. We’ve had a lot of turnover this year, due to their narcissistic personality, gaslighting, and discriminatory behaviour. This became more of a common occurrence against me early in the New Year. This month has been the hardest, not just for me, but other staff members that have been around for a while. Our E.D. is intentionally trying to get us out (to resign). I’ve stayed this entire time cause I don’t want any other Graphic Designer to land in my situation again until things get resolve, internally. I’m actually looking into filing a Human Rights complaint, as I’ve been discriminated against by my E.D. They’ve refused to give me more hours (I currently work PT, but was promised FT when signed) due to my physical health (chronic pain), and…

My supervisor/ Executive Director has basically gone unhinged since late last month—which was around the time bargaining happened with our union.

We’ve had a lot of turnover this year, due to their narcissistic personality, gaslighting, and discriminatory behaviour. This became more of a common occurrence against me early in the New Year.

This month has been the hardest, not just for me, but other staff members that have been around for a while. Our E.D. is intentionally trying to get us out (to resign). I’ve stayed this entire time cause I don’t want any other Graphic Designer to land in my situation again until things get resolve, internally.

I’m actually looking into filing a Human Rights complaint, as I’ve been discriminated against by my E.D. They’ve refused to give me more hours (I currently work PT, but was promised FT when signed) due to my physical health (chronic pain), and I told them that wasn’t a problem, but they’ve used that against me every time. They’ve also disclosed to our operations manager, who tried advocating for me to get benefits, that I “-hadn’t earned it yet”, even though I qualify for the amount of hours I work per week (interestingly, everyone but myself and another colleague, who is also of a visible minority don’t have benefits…). I’ve also been yelled at and bullied numerous times this past month.

My E.D. has accused myself and staff of making things “political”, and being complicit and actually accused us as being racists (um, ok…). They’ve also got into arguments, during office hours with a colleague of mine, and myself in the last two weeks. I was called into their office and asked to explain something I made a mistake on, I tried to, but as usual, they kept interrupting me, and accused me of being a “liar”, and being “rebellious”, out loud, while everyone else is working. I just kept my composure calm, I’ve worked in retail half of my life, and this was like getting berated by a customer; just disappointed that this was coming from someone that hires and fires.

I then got reprimanded/ written-up, which is a new thing they’ve started to do, and ironically to myself and two other staff members that have worked the longest.

I can’t do this anymore. I’m mentally checked-out. I don’t have the energy to apply to jobs on weekends cause I’m so exhausted from the work week. I need a job lined up before I resign. I can’t rely on my parents cause they’re struggling financially too.

I feel like going on-leave, even thought I just came back from a 2-month long stress leave a few months back. Nothing was done in my absence, and everything got piled up on me—and I’m getting ridiculed every day.

Side note: i’m also filing a formal complaint to our board members ebers about all of this bulking and harassment in the workplace. But im not keeping my hopes up that the investigation will go well.

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