
Supervisors/Managers who…

… actually give a damn. They’re there and there’s hopefully going to be much more of them as time goes on. Been in the work force for 15 years now and have suffered under some bad bosses. But across the last couple of years, I’ve either been getting extremely lucky or there’s a growing number of supervisors who actually care about their employees. My current supervisors (one for my shift and one for my department) fought to keep me as an employee. Both are extremely happy with my performance, knowledge, adaptability, and general nature. Not a complaint from either one besides to do a little less. The only reason I would have been fired is points. (I suffer from anxiety and depression seasonally, the doctor that diagnosed me years ago is no longer a practicing physician, and only recently have been here long enough to qualify for fmla.) One is…

… actually give a damn. They’re there and there’s hopefully going to be much more of them as time goes on. Been in the work force for 15 years now and have suffered under some bad bosses. But across the last couple of years, I’ve either been getting extremely lucky or there’s a growing number of supervisors who actually care about their employees.

My current supervisors (one for my shift and one for my department) fought to keep me as an employee. Both are extremely happy with my performance, knowledge, adaptability, and general nature. Not a complaint from either one besides to do a little less. The only reason I would have been fired is points. (I suffer from anxiety and depression seasonally, the doctor that diagnosed me years ago is no longer a practicing physician, and only recently have been here long enough to qualify for fmla.)

One is young, as in my age young (31). I’ve seen him go above and beyond what he’s required to do. Even refusing to delegate tasks to others because he see’s how full their plates are already. Will do that extra work himself, go work in one department, check on others, go back to extra work, and repeat.

My other is older, I would say mid 40’s, but has shown a strong level of patience and progressiveness towards alleviating extra stress where he can for his department. Has fought our plant’s President over them (material handlers) not working hard enough when we’ve been consistently one of the departments with mandatory OT for the majority of the year. And again, he’s also the type that would rather do the extra work himself – no matter how late he had to stay over.

Before both of them, there was an even younger supervisor, 27ish? Fought higher ups to send us home early before roads iced over (living in the South, USA, it rarely snows. I don’t know a single person with ice tires and the vast majority of people around me are car people). Constantly pushing to get us a better QOL wherever he could.

I guess my main point is that we should appreciate the good ones not afraid to throw their weight around behind office doors while also rolling their sleeves up and working with us. Toss em a message with some kind words, give them your own review. Because you have to know they’re the first to get scathing reports by those with incompetence.

Stay safe y’all, and have a good day. Never jeopardize your safety for their paycheck.

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