
Supreme Court Student Loans Decision was What God ™ Commanded.

nomorebillionairevictims #maga Adding #74.2 subsection D. of my list of reasons to move to an island in the Philippines and prohibited behaviors statues. 74.2 W.T.F § 1 (a) No person shall, upon basis of expatriate status shall use or possess any device capable of accessing the internet, non elastic waistband clothing, or shoes that a reasonable person would believe necessitates socks, and any medium depicting Donald J Trump. Non possession of Cannabinoid products, or obtaining and maintaining employment. 74.2 W.T.F § 1 (b). Any person found guilty of violating this statue shall be required to: Return to the United States, limited to: Florida, Texas, or Missouri; and Within 48 hours of conviction self surrender to the Secretary of Fundamental Christianity to have their head shaved and complete the designated walk of shame naked; and Pledge fidelity to Fuehrer Trump; and Shall only be authorized to work at a multi level…

nomorebillionairevictims #maga

Adding #74.2 subsection D. of my list of reasons to move to an island in the Philippines and prohibited behaviors statues.

74.2 W.T.F § 1 (a) No person shall, upon basis of expatriate status shall use or possess any device capable of accessing the internet, non elastic waistband clothing, or shoes that a reasonable person would believe necessitates socks, and any medium depicting Donald J Trump. Non possession of Cannabinoid products, or obtaining and maintaining employment.

74.2 W.T.F § 1 (b). Any person found guilty of violating this statue shall be required to:

  1. Return to the United States, limited to: Florida, Texas, or Missouri; and
  2. Within 48 hours of conviction self surrender to the Secretary of Fundamental Christianity to have their head shaved and complete the designated walk of shame naked; and
  3. Pledge fidelity to Fuehrer Trump; and
  4. Shall only be authorized to work at a multi level marketing; and
  5. Abide by the Prohibition of Vaccines Act of 2023; and
  6. Forfeit any behaviors designated as “alternate lifestyles” including but not limited to identifying as race other than Caucasian, skin tone 3 or above on the ban on Pureblood Protection Act of 2023, religion other than the Founding Father’s Constitutionally recognized National Religion of Fundamental Christianity*, gender other than male or female who has publicly submitted all rights to patriarch, and unable to verify from the Approved Nation Verification Act of 2023.
    *Verification of 75% tithing of gross income monthly required.

74.2 W.T.F § 2. If accused by any person recognized as a verified person as defined by the Emergency Ratified First Amendment Fascist Exhalation Act of 2023, they are required to report such within one hour. The offender shall choose executed by decapitation, hanging, firing squad*, electrocution, or life in an accredited Advanced Interrogation Technique faculty.
*Must select ten minors from the School Shooting Hoax Offenders Act of 2023 and the National Weapon AK-15 Recognition Act of 2023.

74.2 W.T.F § 3. Refusal to select method of execution shall be sentenced to incarceration in well. Refusal of putting the lotion on the skin shall be punished by the Sensory Shunning Commandment of 2023, including but not limited to
1 Thot 2 Thot Red Thot Blue Thot Kids Bop Remix at no less than 120 DB, medically induced horses, and a prescribed Vegan and Liver Soaked in Milk at Room Temperature for no less than eight hours, Vienna Sausages, and Meat Balls Brand Mountain Oysters for the offender’s natural born life.

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