
Survey Retaliation?

I apologize for the length of my post and any errors in advance. Im really stressed right now and have a lot to get out… I've been working for a huge insurance company for a few years now and up until now, it had always been a pleasant experience. Within the last 4 months, we got a new manager and a new contract and I swear this dude has no idea wtf he's doing and has completely fucked up the account. Our client isn't happy with how things are being handled and we are drowning complaints and backed up work. Since the beginning, there has been no proper communication as well as literal misinformation given to us and our client. There had been a lot of micromanagement going on to the point where if you were late by 1-2 minutes it was a write up, we were being given multiple…

I apologize for the length of my post and any errors in advance. Im really stressed right now and have a lot to get out…

I've been working for a huge insurance company for a few years now and up until now, it had always been a pleasant experience. Within the last 4 months, we got a new manager and a new contract and I swear this dude has no idea wtf he's doing and has completely fucked up the account. Our client isn't happy with how things are being handled and we are drowning complaints and backed up work.

Since the beginning, there has been no proper communication as well as literal misinformation given to us and our client. There had been a lot of micromanagement going on to the point where if you were late by 1-2 minutes it was a write up, we were being given multiple job duties with no training nor access to the proper tools or resources which of course led to more complaints, he has been showing obvious signs of favoritism by providing information to some employees and leaving others in the dark or making them figure out the information on their own. He went as far as to create a Q&A team chat but when a few people extra people were added to the chat by their Sups for assistance it ended up being dismantled and a new chat was created that less people were a part of. So more employees were again left out of the loop. He wanted us to use our chats with our Sups to ask questions and get answers rather than us being a part of the dedicated chat where we could all access the same information.

A lot of the poor decisions that were made by our manager were in his words ” A way to test us and to see who were hard workers”. He stated he was looking to see who could think outside the box and figure out how to get their work done having little to no resources or help and liked to call us his guinea pigs. He always would say “I have an healthy appetite for change and I don't like to follow processes laid out for me”. He prides hisself on being an innovator and honestly, I get wanting to challenge your team but there should be a balance between wanting see how well your team solves problems and creating a highly stressful environment. Mind you, not everyone had to go through this. Some people had a smooth transition with the account like people my manager liked or already had a connection to. Everyone else was left to figure everything out on their own.

This brings me to the topic of the survey. A lot of the time almost no one completes those employee satisfaction surveys but it seems many people were severely stressed and wanted our manager to know this system isn't working and rated the manager poorly. His response to it has lead to multiple terminations, new policies and rules have taken affect, it's now tighter with the meeting our metrics, and we are hounded day in and day out on every thing. Literally every slight misstep we are the target of constant nasty messages, emails, and are pulled into 1:1s telling us we aren't doing things right and are in danger of being put on 30 day corrective or terminated. At this point my anxiety is extremely high coming into work and although I know I'm doing my best and my metrics are high, they are not perfect. I'm now second guessing everything and I don't know if it's really us not doing well or retaliation for those bad surveys some people gave.

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