
Survived a PIP, but still being treated as the culprit to every issue.

For context, I work in a “localized supply chain” role. So couple months ago I was placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (I’ll refer to it as a PIP) for items which, in the general sense, are completely valid reasons to be written up for, but the reasons were tied to tasks I had confirmed via email that would not longer be on my plate so that I could focus on other tasks. I played along with my managers’ move and ended up successfully completing the PIP. Now I am being held responsible for inbound shipping delays being created by the logistics team and carriers by my managers. I have done everything I can do to mitigate the issues as much as I can, but it’s “not enough.” I have expressed the issues with my managers regarding the delays and have asked for help in escalating the issue up the…

For context, I work in a “localized supply chain” role.

So couple months ago I was placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (I’ll refer to it as a PIP) for items which, in the general sense, are completely valid reasons to be written up for, but the reasons were tied to tasks I had confirmed via email that would not longer be on my plate so that I could focus on other tasks.

I played along with my managers’ move and ended up successfully completing the PIP.

Now I am being held responsible for inbound shipping delays being created by the logistics team and carriers by my managers. I have done everything I can do to mitigate the issues as much as I can, but it’s “not enough.” I have expressed the issues with my managers regarding the delays and have asked for help in escalating the issue up the chain due to the severe effects it causes on site, but my requests have gone ignored.

Does this all seem like they are trying to find a way to “push me out” of the company since they do not have a valid reason to fire me? Or trying to make my life a living hell so that I just quit?

(Full transparency: when I was placed on the PIP, I begun the hunt for a new job. I have been named as one of the best in my field within the company previously and barely make enough to provide for my family. This have really driven me to see my worth and look at jobs I know I can excel in while bringing in more per year.)

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