
Suze Orman Suggests $5M Retirement Fund

These people fucking disgust me. This bitch suggests a $5-10M retirement fund, minimum. Her reasoning? To pay for medical emergencies and costly end-of-life medical care. As my mother wasted away from cancer I was forced to watch her nestegg waste away as well. Thirty years she worked to pay off her mortgage and that house was gone is less than one. Medicare doesn't kick in until they've taken every penny you own first. I was raised by my single mother and for her entire life she told me and my sister that our home was to be our family legacy. As much as her illness destroyed her body, the loss of everything she worked for her entire life destroyed her mind. Fuck her and fuck this country.

These people fucking disgust me. This bitch suggests a $5-10M retirement fund, minimum. Her reasoning? To pay for medical emergencies and costly end-of-life medical care.

As my mother wasted away from cancer I was forced to watch her nestegg waste away as well. Thirty years she worked to pay off her mortgage and that house was gone is less than one. Medicare doesn't kick in until they've taken every penny you own first.

I was raised by my single mother and for her entire life she told me and my sister that our home was to be our family legacy. As much as her illness destroyed her body, the loss of everything she worked for her entire life destroyed her mind.

Fuck her and fuck this country.

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