
Switching from high-end service industry to a corporate job…?

I’ve been in the service industry for 17 yrs as a bartender/beverage manager, & am looking for something that has more ‘regular’/day time hours in order to spend more time w family & my partner. I have a BS in biology, but little experience in the real world working with my degree as it has always been more financially beneficial to work at high end restaurants (with significantly more time off). Has anyone made a similar transition from lucrative industry jobs to lower paying, ‘9-5’ type jobs? & if so, any thoughts on how can I make the best impression on employers w the skills I have developed wout having to start at an entry level position making significantly less than before? I understand sacrifices are necessary but I live in an urban area w a high cost of living (near family), so jobs posting $15-16/hr aren’t really an option…

I’ve been in the service industry for 17 yrs as a bartender/beverage manager, & am looking for something that has more ‘regular’/day time hours in order to spend more time w family & my partner. I have a BS in biology, but little experience in the real world working with my degree as it has always been more financially beneficial to work at high end restaurants (with significantly more time off). Has anyone made a similar transition from lucrative industry jobs to lower paying, ‘9-5’ type jobs? & if so, any thoughts on how can I make the best impression on employers w the skills I have developed wout having to start at an entry level position making significantly less than before? I understand sacrifices are necessary but I live in an urban area w a high cost of living (near family), so jobs posting $15-16/hr aren’t really an option in order to make bills. Not to sound like a dummy, I’m sure the easy answer is just to stay in my current position, but I would like to begin a career that doesn’t revolve around alcohol & late hours. Any thoughts are appreciated.

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