
Switching jobs was the best thing I ever did.

I switched my job and into a completely different career path. Even as a manager I was being paid less by a significant margin while handling 20+ people on the daily. Funny stories that my old previous boss loved to do to me. I remember being offered cakes and whatnot by co-workers and suddenly after the break, he told me that morally I am not allowed to eat the cake, honestly I was so shaken back by that comment that I didn't even respond to him. Later that day he told me again that I couldn't eat cake or any of the treats that the co-workers offered. You know what I kept eating those treats because why the hell not, he can't legally stop me, and if co-workers didn't mind that then why would I? I remember on so many occasions the boss always had a great plan and envisioned…

I switched my job and into a completely different career path. Even as a manager I was being paid less by a significant margin while handling 20+ people on the daily.

Funny stories that my old previous boss loved to do to me.
I remember being offered cakes and whatnot by co-workers and suddenly after the break, he told me that morally I am not allowed to eat the cake, honestly I was so shaken back by that comment that I didn't even respond to him.
Later that day he told me again that I couldn't eat cake or any of the treats that the co-workers offered. You know what I kept eating those treats because why the hell not, he can't legally stop me, and if co-workers didn't mind that then why would I?

I remember on so many occasions the boss always had a great plan and envisioned us doing this differently and then the next day, or week he would forget all of that and get angry at us, and even sometimes tell us how stupid we are for doing the thing he told us to do.

It got so bad that when I quit recently I heard from co-workers that he was forbidden to enter the place or co-workers would all quit. Last year the company made record-breaking losses.

Meanwhile, I was underpaid and the bosses rather pay significantly more to their children, with no experience in the field and irresponsible as well.
I still remember the look on my boss's face when I let him know that I'm quitting. So much for losing a highly valued worker that did significantly more than many other people, and developing the whole place. The best part is that in my current job, I work less, I have less work to do overall, I work 4 times per shift in a row with 6 days off every time and I make over double the money as well.

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